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Officer dismissed following misconduct hearing

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Officer dismissed following misconduct hearing

An officer who acted in a sexually inappropriate way towards a colleague has been dismissed from the organisation following a misconduct hearing.

PC Jason Brooking, based on the Central North command unit, faced allegations he had breached the standard of professional behaviour with regards discreditable conduct, and authority, respect and courtesy.

On 26 January 2022, PC Brooking touched a colleague in a sexual manner during a night out.

Chief Superintendent Andy Carter, in charge of policing in Central North, said: “PC Brooking’s actions were unwanted, grossly invasive and entirely wrong. Either he failed to recognise the inappropriateness of his behaviour, or believed he could act with impunity. Either of those positions are extremely concerning and it’s therefore entirely appropriate he has been dismissed from the organisation.”

Officers from the Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS) carried out an investigation into the allegation reported in March 2022. As part of this investigation, a file was submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) who determined there was no criminal case to answer.

The DPS concluded PC Brooking should face a misconduct hearing, and at the conclusion of proceedings, the independent chair determined the allegation of touching a colleague inappropriately on 26 January 2022 was proven. The allegation of a similar incident on 27 or 28 January was not proven.

He was dismissed without notice following the conclusion of the hearing on 27 September.

Following the hearing PC Brooking will now be placed on the barred list held by the College of Policing. Those appearing on the list cannot be employed by police, local policing bodies (PCCs), the Independent Office for Police Conduct or His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services.



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