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Conditions imposed to keep tractors away from farmers' protest

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Conditions imposed to keep tractors away from farmers' protest

The Met is urging anyone planning to attend a farmers’ protest taking place in central London on Tuesday to leave their tractors at home.

Those attending the event will form up in Whitehall from 11:00hrs, with a procession taking place from around midday heading towards Trafalgar Square, turning right into Northumberland Avenue, along the Embankment and back into Whitehall via Westminster Bridge Road and Parliament Street.

A rally will take place in Whitehall from 13:30hrs. It is expected to finish by 15:00hrs.

Conditions have been imposed under the Public Order Act preventing anyone taking part in the protest from bringing tractors, other than a limited number being arranged by the organisers with the prior permission of the police.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Ben Russell, who is commanding the policing operation, said: “Two previous protests have taken place in the same area, with the same organisers, in recent months.

“The second protest saw a significant number of people attend with tractors and other large farming vehicles. Whitehall was blocked for much of the day and there were lengthy significant delays on surrounding roads.

“It is our responsibility to ensure that protests don’t cause serious disruption to the life of the community and we’ve used our powers under the Public Order Act to ensure that does not happen on Tuesday.

“We have been in regular contact with the organisers to explain our decision making and I’m grateful for the positive and collaborative approach they have taken.”

The conditions imposed under the Public Order Act are as follows:

Section 14(3) Public Order Act

Individuals taking part in the Farmers Protest assembly must not drive, or otherwise use, mechanically propelled vehicles without having obtained authority, in advance, from the Metropolitan Police.

Section 12(3) Public Order Act

Individuals taking part in the Farmers Protest procession must not drive, or otherwise use, mechanically propelled vehicles without obtained authority, in advance, from the Metropolitan Police.

It is a criminal offence to breach the conditions or to incite others to do so. Anyone doing so may face arrest.




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