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Policing operation for weekend ahead of October 7th anniversary

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Policing operation for weekend ahead of October 7th anniversary

A significant policing operation will be in place across London in the coming days in response to planned protest and separate memorial events marking the anniversary of the October 7th terrorist attacks.

On Saturday afternoon, there will be a protest organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and other groups. It will involve a march from Russell Square via Aldwych to Whitehall where speeches will take place. There will be a counter-protest along the route, organised by a group called Stop the Hate.

On Sunday afternoon, a memorial event organised by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Jewish Leadership Council and other groups will take place in Hyde Park.

While we are not aware of any significant public events on Monday, the anniversary of the October 7th attacks, it is likely that there will be a number of events and gatherings of various sizes taking place across London.

Commander Lou Puddefoot, who is leading the operation, said: “Protests and related events have become a feature of the 12 months since the appalling terrorist attacks in Israel almost a year ago.

“We have policed them without fear or favour, ensuring that lawful protest has been allowed to take place but intervening where the line has been crossed into criminality.

“We recognise that as we go into this weekend, so close to the anniversary of October 7th, emotions will be heightened and fears about safety and security understandably increased.

“Officers have been in regular contact with event organisers. We have detailed plans in place to ensure the safety of those attending and to be able to respond to any incidents or offences.

“We are also working closely with key partners in communities to provide advice, reassurance and a visible presence particularly in those areas where we know fears are heightened.

“I would urge anyone who sees or hears something suspicious, no matter how small, to tell us. Call 101, or 999 in an emergency. If you are at an event and there are officers there, please raise your concerns with them. They are there to help, to reassure and to keep you safe.”

Hate crime

We have seen a significant increase in antisemitic and Islamophobic hate crime offences in the past year. While the majority have taken place in communities, we have continued to see behaviour at protests which crosses the line from political speech into hate speech.

The majority have acted lawfully and peacefully, but we have continued to see and hear language on placards, banners, chants etc, and also directed at or by counter-protest groups, which is unacceptable and unlawful.

Officers will intervene where they see or hear such behaviour. We have also demonstrated that enforcement does not finish when a protest ends. Where an offence has not been spotted at the time due to the density of crowds or where an intervention is not possible in the moment, we will work to identify and locate suspects as soon as possible afterwards.

Support for proscribed organisations

Hamas and Hezbollah are both proscribed organisations, meaning they are banned in the UK.

We have seen examples of people at protests showing support for such organisations. Some of these cases have already resulted in convictions at court.

The law is very clear – anyone displaying symbols, wording or otherwise indicating their support for a proscribed organisation risks arrest.

The same is true for anyone who appears to be endorsing, celebrating or justifying the actions of those organisations.

Public Order Act conditions

Anyone taking part in the demonstration must remain on the pre-agreed route shown on the map below.

Any person participating in the rally in Whitehall that will follow the march must remain within the shaded area on the map below and the stage must be erected in the location shown.

All participants must disperse by 17:30hrs.

Anyone taking part in the counter-protest organised by Stop the Hate must remain within the shaded area shown on the map below which is at the junction of Aldwych and Kingsway.




Metropolitan Police

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