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Deputy Assistant Commissioner Ade Adelekan
Deputy Assistant Commissioner Ade Adelekan

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The Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort

The Met is proud to support the Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort as the world watches London host these historic moments.

It is our privilege to play a role in enabling Londoners and hundreds of thousands of visitors to enjoy this once in a lifetime moment of national significance and pride.

The operation, known as Golden Orb, will be one of the most significant and largest security operations the Met has led.

There will be more than 29,000 police officer deployments over the coming week in the lead up to Coronation Day and over the rest of the Bank Holiday weekend.

We have been planning our operation for months working closely with partners and colleagues at British Transport and City of London Police, and Thames Valley Police. Colleagues from other forces will also assist us.

Senior officers have also worked closely in partnership with colleagues across Government, including the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Cabinet Office.

Led by a highly experienced command team who have also been involved in delivering other recent significant events, the multi-layered security operation will include officers lining the processional route, managing crowds and road closures, protecting high profile individuals, and carrying out searches with specialist teams.

There will also be officers from our dogs unit, firearms unit, marine support, and Special Constabulary ready to respond to any incident or crime.

We intend to use facial recognition technology in central London. The watch list will be focused on those whose attendance on Coronation Day would raise public protection concerns, including those wanted for offences or have an outstanding warrant for arrest issued by the courts, or those under relevant offender management programmes in order to keep the public safe.

Our tolerance for any disruption, whether through protest or otherwise, will be low. We will deal robustly with anyone intent on undermining this celebration.

Outside central London for those enjoying the 1,800 registered events taking place, local officers alongside cadets and volunteers will be in their local communities looking after those attending street parties, and engaging with local residents.

While we are focused on the celebratory events, we have a comprehensive plan for dealing with day-to-day incidents across the capital to ensure we continue to provide a response to those who need it.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Ade Adelekan said: “We want Londoners and visitors coming to the city to enjoy this historic and momentous occasion safely and securely.

“On Coronation Day we will have the largest one day mobilisation of officers seen in decades with just over 11,500 officers on duty.

“The weekend promises to be a spectacular celebration and the Met police is honoured to be policing such an internationally important event across the capital.

“We have been planning for this occasion for some time; the Met has a long history of policing such events and we will draw upon our diverse expertise from across our organisation, using officers and specialist units to keep people safe and tackle any arising issues.

“London is one of the most exciting and diverse cities in the world and throughout the celebrations, we will be at the heart of and doing all we can to be connected with the people and communities we serve. Our officers are here to help you, if you feel like something doesn’t look right please speak with us.”




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Deputy Assistant Commissioner Ade Adelekan
Deputy Assistant Commissioner Ade Adelekan
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